Monday, January 03, 2005

Well i am! This post was to deliver so much, yet i have failed terribly on my delivery. I have been busily doing bits and pieces on the computer that i have neglected whilst in full study mode such as updating my criminal data base,transferring files from desk top to laptop, working on my eventual book etc, and all has been successful. However i don't know wtf is wrong with my isp,ftp and that stupid "hello" photo thingy blogger says is just wonderful because for 2 days i have tried my damndest to post photo's on here and everything i do fails.............everything. I even was on the phone to my genius nephew for hours yesterday....he lives nearly 4,000kms from me and is an absolute expert when it comes to computers. Infact........he was able to send me a program, i opened thing, my mouse starts moving over my desktop files are opening.......its him!!! He was working my computer from the other end of Australia!!! LMAO....he was even able to open the cd rom drive if he wanted to! Anyhow, he looked at everything, we tried a million things............nothing worked. I was so tired and pissed off as was he, that by the end of the day we'd given up. I am hoping he'll come up with something, but we're both Aries born 5 days apart (even though 20 years from each other) and as impatient as hell.....get frustrated as hell and have noooooooooo tolerance for things we know we can do better!!! So i am not holding my breath.


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