Friday, November 18, 2005


Finally, i appear to be able to get the chance to post something. The last few days have been rather manic for this legal maven, and yesterday afternoon just appeared to top it all off. I had rather a heated conversation with someone rather powerful in this city. I liase with her staff all the time, and since i was promoted into this position, i decided i would leave all the "shmoozing" with members of parliment, police with high ranks etc behind with my predecessor. He was a a wonderful man, taught me everything i need to know. Will tell you himself he aint all in touch with his clients as he should be.......he prefers to schmooze with the elite...promoting the firm and asking for $$$. It isn't me. I leave the schmoozing to the very last, and only if asked to by my boss. It's always been about my clients and their families. The only time my boss hears from me is when something is wrong or i need to find an answer to something i find unsolvable.

The crux of yesterdays scathing attack on me by a person of high ranking came about because of an email sent to a lady who i work with, she is in a different legal dept and deals with victims of crime. She rang and asked for my advice, so i gave it. We agreed on what i had told her and both of us felt it would solve a problem we were having. Well, i took it upon myself to call "powerful woman in this city" and put to her some issues myself and lady in the other dept were having. Well,"powerful woman" blew the living shit out of me. Why have you not called before this? Who are you? I thought (the firm i work for) was dead! Who is the cordinator there now? Why have you not spoken with me at all during the year? "I just beratted my staff for not doing their job" (The firm) should not have any problems next year, it should be fixed. I want your staff, sent to me now, AND i want a meeting with you in the near future, got it?!!!! "I don't know wtf you've been doing all year"???

*breathe Michelle* LOL. That my friends is how the conversation went! I did not get a word in! Made to feel i have done fuck all during the year! Doesn't know me?/ For gods sake i have met with her 3 times last year, didn't contact her?...listen here if your staff passed on messages then i would! I did not accuse her staff of falling down on the job..............i wanted to tell her, lookie here princess, get off your fat arse go downstairs and ask your staff...."Who knows Michelle ****** from ******?? I bet they'd all raise their hands. I deal with them everyday. Why the fuck would i bother this high ranking chick, who has better things to do than listen to me rave on about the "CJS" she knows all too well. If i have a problem with her staff, then i will tell her. The cow had the audacity to tell me how my predecessor used to have coffee's with her 4 or 5 times year! You know what, i know he did....that's coz he had me doing all the fricken work sister!

I'm certain those of you who work with Govt depts, don't go to your boss or higher, unless absolutely necessary.........i don't see the point. I need to be able to solve problems otherwise i shouldn't be in the position i'm in.

So my friends, this is why no post yesterday. I have started making my way round to all your blogs, i look forward to reading your posts :)

till next time, Michelle.


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