Saturday, May 07, 2005

You've been Tagged!

Well it appears i have been "tagged" by GEL, of Good Vibrations, can't let the team down so here goes, only allowed 5 choices..........................

If I could be a scientist.........

If I could be a farmer..........

If I could be a musician..........

If I could be a doctor...........

If i could be a dentist.....I'd place breath fresheners all over the waiting room!

If I could be a painter...I'd be broke. Stick figures don't do much for people.

If I could be a gardener..........

If I could be an architect................

If I could be a linguist............

If I could be an innkeeper....................

If I could be a writer...............

If I could be a judge, i'd give the maximum sentence avail, lord help sex offenders

If I could be a mob boss, i'd be married to John Travolta!

If I could be a monkey's uncle....................

If I could be a Kindergarten teacher... ....

If I could be an actor....................

If I could be a computer nerd.................then i wouldn't have to beg others for help when i screw stuff up!

If I could be a backup dancer........................

If I could be a proctologist................................

If i could be a librarian............................

Okay, i need to pass the tag on..............Bookfraud............Counting Backwards..............Strange Things.......................


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