Sunday, April 02, 2006

McHales Navy, and Other Things..........

As the sunset over the each here last night, "A" and myself slowly headed back up the dunes and home. I love our walks together, it gives us a chance to chat about *things*, last evening was no exception. "Mum, what tv shows did you watch when you were a kid"? "Are there any on tv now you used to watch"?
Wow, her questions brought back many funny memories. I listed shows such as Gilligans Island,Brady Bunch, Get Smart,The was the only show ever to give me nightmares as a kid!!! Then there was the Addams Family, Car 54 Where Are You?, F Troop and another favorite McHales Navy!! Of course there were Australian television shows too, but still Australian TV was still in it's infancy in the late 60s and early 70's. We didn't get television in Australia till 1956, and then color TV till the mid 70's.
So friends, what did you watch when you were growing up?

till next time, Michelle.


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